Insights Metering Program
Power Impact Assessment
An in-depth study of your building’s incoming electrical conditions including looking
at the efficiency, reliability, and health of your electrical supply.
The results of power’s impact on your building compared to industry standards.
Solutions to fix these issues to save you time, customers, lost profits, and lost

SmartGate Insights Meter – 38 Power Quality Parameters, 1-minute increments, web portal
for dashboard and portfolio-wide visualizations.
[The Insights meter samples 512 points per cycle (60 cycles per second - 60Hz) and captures the minimum, maximum and
average voltage levels on each phase discretely for each second and rolls them up to 1 minute intervals.]
Once sufficient date has been recorded it is analysed and presented in the form of a Power
Impact Report detailing the current state of power to a site, and the future state achievable
with the addition of a SmartGate unit.